What Is Creationism?

Simply stated, a creationist is one who rejects scientific explanations for the origin of life and the universe, preferring a hypothesis of supernatural creation by God. The majority of creationists in the United States are fundamentalist Christian Protestants, but there are creationists of other denominations as well.

There are many different varieties of creationists, some of which are the following:

It is important to note that creationism in all its forms is invariably a religious position. While most creationists freely admit this, some strenuously deny it, especially advocates of intelligent design, who take great pains to avoid mentioning just who they think the "Intelligent Designer" might be; but in the end, the tenets of creationism invariably arise from religious scripture.

Creationism was the default hypothesis before Charles Darwin's day, but when the theory of evolution was proposed, its superior evidentiary support and explanatory power led it to quickly win scientists over and dominate the field of biology. Contrary to creationist assertions, today there is no serious scientific debate between evolution and creationism. That debate happened during Darwin's lifetime, and creationism lost.

However, the creationists have never been prepared to take defeat lying down. The past few decades have seen a resurgence of this movement in America, with creationist groups attempting to bypass the scientific community entirely and insert their beliefs directly into the public school system through political action. Several legal cases of this kind have played out in recent years, but the creationists have invariably met defeat in the courts, which have consistently ruled that creationism is a religious position and laws forcing it to be taught constitute a breach of the separation of church and state. (This explains why creationists today sometimes try to disguise their true motives and claim creationism is a scientific and not a religious position; it is another attempt to get past the courts.) However, the fight is ongoing.

This page was founded with the intent of serving as another volley in the battle. It is the opinion of the author that creationism is completely lacking in any scientific validity, and it is the author's hope that he may convince other people of this by exposing them to the evidence and arguments that first convinced him.

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